Data Notice: Information current as of October 19, 2024.

* eBay sale prices are provided for reference only and may not reflect actual market values.

For detailed information about specific coins, click on the coin name above or use our free auction records lookup tool.

Quarter Name Grade Highest Price Auction House Auction Date
2019-W Quarter San Antonio Missions NP (Regular Strike) MS69 $75,000 eBay 07/31/2021
2020-W Quarter Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NP V75 (Regular Strike) MS68 $40,000 eBay 12/11/2021
1966 Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68+ $21,000 Heritage Auctions 05/07/2023
1976-S Quarter Silver (Regular Strike) MS69 $19,200 Heritage Auctions 06/09/2019
1999-S Quarter Delaware Silver, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $17,250 Heritage Auctions 12/04/2007
1983-P Quarter (Regular Strike) MS65 $15,863 Heritage Auctions 01/08/2014
1970-D Quarter (Regular Strike) MS69 $15,000 eBay 02/11/2023
2020-W Quarter Tallgrass Prairie NP V75 (Regular Strike) MS68 $15,000 eBay 04/23/2022
1976-S Quarter Silver (Proof) MS25 $13,500 eBay 03/30/2019
1965 Quarter (Regular Strike) MS60 $12,650 Stack’s 01/19/2005
1974-S Quarter, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $10,925 Heritage Auctions 01/01/2009
1982-P Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $10,200 Heritage Auctions 06/09/2019
1999-P Quarter Pennsylvania (Regular Strike) MS67 $10,200 Heritage Auctions 10/24/2006
2019-W Quarter Lowell NP (Regular Strike) MS68 $9,900 eBay 03/25/2023
1968 Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $9,400 Heritage Auctions 09/25/2013
2017-D Quarter Frederick Douglass NP (Regular Strike) MS58 $8,900 eBay 02/16/2019
1967 Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $8,813 Heritage Auctions 01/04/2017
1968-D Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $8,813 Heritage Auctions 02/04/2016
1971 Quarter DDR FS-801 (027.7) (Regular Strike) MS65 $8,813 Heritage Auctions 02/16/2017
1976-D Quarter DDO FS-101 (Regular Strike) MS66 $8,400 Heritage Auctions 05/07/2023
1971-S Quarter, DCAM (Proof) MS69 $7,475 Heritage Auctions 11/29/2007
2020-S Quarter American Samoa NP – Silver First Day of Issue, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $7,200 eBay 06/12/2021
1990-S Quarter DDO FS-101, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $7,050 Heritage Auctions 01/04/2017
1976-D Quarter Clad (Regular Strike) MS68 $6,463 Heritage Auctions 01/04/2017
1976-S Quarter Clad (Proof) MS1 $6,038 Bowers & Merena 11/03/2010
1999-S Quarter Georgia Silver, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $6,038 Heritage Auctions 11/29/2007
2004-D Quarter Wisconsin Extra Leaf Low (Regular Strike) MS67 $6,000 Heritage Auctions 01/12/2020
2014-D Quarter Everglades NP (Regular Strike) MS69 $5,995 eBay 12/08/2018
2020-W Quarter Salt River Bay NP V75 (Regular Strike) MS68 $5,995 eBay 01/08/2022
1973-S Quarter, DCAM (Proof) MS70 $5,875 Heritage Auctions 02/16/2017
2020-W Quarter Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NP V75 Early Find (Regular Strike) MS67 $5,500 eBay 10/22/2022
1968-D Quarter DDR FS-801 (Regular Strike) MS67 $5,250 eBay 07/21/2018
1965 Quarter SMS (Special Strike) MS63 $5,175 Heritage Auctions 01/04/2006
2019-W Quarter Frank Church River of No Return NP PCGS First Discovery 1 of 4 (Regular Strike) MS66 $5,000 eBay 12/05/2020
1999-P Quarter Delaware (Regular Strike) MS66 $4,888 Heritage Auctions 05/28/2008
2012-S Quarter El Yunque NP First Strike (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,888 eBay 11/19/2022
1967 Quarter SMS, CAM (Special Strike) MS69 $4,700 Heritage Auctions 08/10/2016
2019-W Quarter War in the Pacific NP Early Find (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,600 eBay 08/03/2019
1971-D Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,560 Heritage Auctions 06/09/2019
2014-D Quarter Arches NP (Regular Strike) MS69 $4,500 eBay 09/01/2018
2020-W Quarter American Samoa NP V75 Early Find (Regular Strike) MS67 $4,500 eBay 10/22/2022
1967 Quarter SMS, DCAM (Special Strike) MS68 $4,465 Heritage Auctions 01/04/2017
1999-P Quarter Connecticut (Regular Strike) MS67 $4,362 Superior Galleries 08/12/2006
1982-D Quarter (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,320 Stack’s Bowers 11/18/2020
2003-P Quarter Missouri (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,313 Heritage Auctions 12/04/2007
2018-S Quarter Pictured Rocks NP (Regular Strike) MS68 $4,300 eBay 03/23/2019
2013-P Quarter Perry’s Memorial NP (Regular Strike) MS70 $4,235 eBay 09/02/2023
1999-P Quarter Georgia (Regular Strike) MS65 $4,200 Heritage Auctions 08/28/2022
1966 Quarter SMS, CAM (Special Strike) MS68 $4,113 Heritage Auctions 09/04/2014
1971-S Quarter (Proof) MS70 $4,000 eBay 01/14/2023
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $75,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 07/31/2021
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $40,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 12/11/2021
Grade: MS68+
Highest Price: $21,000
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 05/07/2023
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $19,200
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 06/09/2019
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $17,250
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 12/04/2007
Grade: MS65
Highest Price: $15,863
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/08/2014
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $15,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 02/11/2023
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $15,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 04/23/2022
Grade: MS25
Highest Price: $13,500
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 03/30/2019
Grade: MS60
Highest Price: $12,650
Auction House: Stack’s
Auction Date: 01/19/2005
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $10,925
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/01/2009
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $10,200
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 06/09/2019
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $10,200
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 10/24/2006
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $9,900
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 03/25/2023
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $9,400
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 09/25/2013
Grade: MS58
Highest Price: $8,900
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 02/16/2019
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $8,813
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/04/2017
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $8,813
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 02/04/2016
Grade: MS65
Highest Price: $8,813
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 02/16/2017
Grade: MS66
Highest Price: $8,400
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 05/07/2023
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $7,475
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 11/29/2007
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $7,200
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 06/12/2021
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $7,050
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/04/2017
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $6,463
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/04/2017
Grade: MS1
Highest Price: $6,038
Auction House: Bowers & Merena
Auction Date: 11/03/2010
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $6,038
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 11/29/2007
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $6,000
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/12/2020
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $5,995
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 12/08/2018
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $5,995
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 01/08/2022
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $5,875
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 02/16/2017
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $5,500
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 10/22/2022
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $5,250
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 07/21/2018
Grade: MS63
Highest Price: $5,175
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/04/2006
Grade: MS66
Highest Price: $5,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 12/05/2020
Grade: MS66
Highest Price: $4,888
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 05/28/2008
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,888
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 11/19/2022
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $4,700
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 08/10/2016
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,600
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 08/03/2019
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,560
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 06/09/2019
Grade: MS69
Highest Price: $4,500
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 09/01/2018
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $4,500
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 10/22/2022
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,465
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 01/04/2017
Grade: MS67
Highest Price: $4,362
Auction House: Superior Galleries
Auction Date: 08/12/2006
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,320
Auction House: Stack’s Bowers
Auction Date: 11/18/2020
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,313
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 12/04/2007
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,300
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 03/23/2019
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $4,235
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 09/02/2023
Grade: MS65
Highest Price: $4,200
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 08/28/2022
Grade: MS68
Highest Price: $4,113
Auction House: Heritage Auctions
Auction Date: 09/04/2014
Grade: MS70
Highest Price: $4,000
Auction House: eBay
Auction Date: 01/14/2023

The world of modern quarter collecting is far more fascinating and potentially lucrative than many realize. While conventional wisdom might suggest that only ancient coins carry significant value, quarters minted after 1965 can command impressive prices in the right conditions. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricate factors that determine modern quarter values and help you develop the expertise needed to identify potential treasures.

The Modern Quarter Revolution: Understanding the Basics

The landscape of modern quarter collecting underwent a dramatic transformation in 1965, marking the beginning of what collectors now call the “modern era.” This shift coincided with the Coinage Act of 1965, which fundamentally changed the composition of quarters from 90% silver to a copper-nickel clad composition. This transition period created some of the most interesting and valuable specimens in modern quarter collecting.

The modern quarter era is particularly fascinating because it encompasses several distinct collecting categories:

Clad Composition Quarters

The standard quarters produced after 1965, featuring a copper core sandwiched between copper-nickel layers. Despite their common nature, certain specimens can be extremely valuable due to errors, die varieties, or exceptional preservation.

Commemorative Issues

Special series like the State Quarters Program (1999-2008), America the Beautiful Quarters (2010-2021), and various other commemorative releases have introduced numerous valuable varieties.

Special Mint Products

Including SMS (Special Mint Set) pieces, proof coins, and other specially produced variants that often carry significant premiums.

Grading Modern Quarters: A Critical Factor

The value of modern quarters is heavily influenced by their grade, perhaps even more so than their age. Understanding the nuances of the Sheldon Grading Scale is crucial for any serious collector.

For modern quarters, the most valuable specimens typically fall into these categories:

  • MS70 (Perfect Uncirculated): The absolute pinnacle of coin grading, showing no post-production imperfections at 5x magnification. Examples like the 1999-S Delaware Silver Quarter in MS70 have sold for over $17,000.
  • MS69 (Nearly Perfect): Showing only microscopic imperfections. The remarkable 1970-D Quarter in MS69 achieved $15,000 at auction.
  • MS68 (Superb Uncirculated): Exceptional quality with minor flaws. The 1968 Quarter in MS68 has reached $9,400.

Pro Collector Tip

When examining modern quarters for grade, pay particular attention to the high points of the design – Washington’s hair and cheek on the obverse, and the eagle’s breast on reverse quarters before 1999. These areas typically show wear first and are crucial in determining grade.

The Crucial Role of Mint Marks

Mint marks are tiny letters on quarters that indicate where they were minted. While seemingly insignificant, these tiny marks can mean the difference between a common coin and a valuable treasure.

W – West Point

The most valuable modern mint mark. The 2019-W San Antonio Missions Quarter in MS69 has sold for $75,000.

S – San Francisco

Known for proof coins, like the 1976-S Silver Quarter that reached $13,500.

D – Denver

Some notable rarities include the 1982-D Quarter in MS68, worth $4,320.

P – Philadelphia

The main mint facility, with standouts like the 1999-P Delaware Quarter.

Mint Mark Location Guide

On modern quarters (1968-present), look for the mint mark on the obverse (front) side, below “IN GOD WE TRUST.” Pre-1968 quarters have the mint mark on the reverse side.

Valuable Errors and Varieties

Some of the most valuable modern quarters are those with minting errors or unique varieties. These can command significant premiums over regular issues.

Double Die Varieties

The 1971 Quarter DDR FS-801 reached $8,813 in MS65 grade due to its doubled die reverse.

Extra Leaf Wisconsin Quarter

The 2004-D Wisconsin Quarter with Extra Leaf Low variant sold for $6,000 in MS67 condition.

Authentication Warning

Due to the high value of error coins, counterfeits are common. Always get professional authentication for significant error varieties before making a purchase.

Modern Quarter Investment Strategy

Investing in modern quarters requires a strategic approach focused on quality and rarity. Here’s a comprehensive analysis of what drives value in today’s market:

Factor Impact on Value Example
First Strikes/Early Releases High Premium Potential 2019-W Frank Church River First Discovery – $5,000
Special Designations Significant Value Add 2020-W V75 Privy Mark Early Find – $5,500
Population Rarity Critical Factor 1982-P MS68 – $10,200

Market Timing Strategy

The best time to acquire modern rarities is often immediately upon release or discovery, before the market fully appreciates their rarity. The 2020-W V75 Quarters demonstrated this perfectly, with early examples selling for significantly more than later sales.

Professional Conservation and Preservation

Proper conservation can mean the difference between a valuable collectible and a common coin. Modern quarters, despite their recent mintage, require careful preservation to maintain their value.

Environmental Control

The ideal storage environment for modern quarters should maintain:

  • Temperature: 65-72°F (18-22°C)
  • Relative Humidity: 35-45%
  • Protection from direct sunlight
  • Air pollution filtration

Storage Solutions

Professional recommendations for different grades:

  • MS67+ and above: PCGS/NGC holders
  • MS63-MS66: Premium mylar holders
  • MS60-MS62: Mylar flips or premium albums
  • Circulated: Standard albums with mylar inserts

Handling Protocol

Professional handling guidelines:

  • Cotton gloves for all direct contact
  • Hold by edges only
  • Clean workspace required
  • No cleaning attempts on uncertified coins

Even fingerprints can cause long-term damage to uncirculated modern quarters. The oils and acids from skin contact can lead to spots and toning that significantly impact value. Always use proper handling techniques, regardless of the coin’s current grade.

Market Trends and Value Catalysts

Understanding market trends is crucial for both collectors and investors in modern quarters. Recent years have shown several interesting patterns that can inform future collecting strategies.

Key Value Drivers (2019-2024)

West Point Mint Quarters

The 2019-W San Antonio Missions Quarter set a new record at $75,000, demonstrating the premium market for W-mint quarters in top grades.

Commemorative Variations

The 2020-W V75 Privy Mark Quarters showed strong appreciation, with MS68 examples reaching $40,000.

Early State Quarter Proofs

High-grade silver proofs from the State Quarter series, like the 1999-S Delaware Silver DCAM, continue to appreciate.

Market data shows that modern quarters achieving MS69 grades typically command 3-5 times the value of their MS68 counterparts. This premium has increased significantly since 2020.

Essential Tools for Modern Quarter Collecting

  • 10x-20x magnification loupe
  • Digital caliper for authentication
  • UV light for detecting repairs
  • Digital scale (0.01g precision)

Digital Resources

  • PCGS CoinFacts for price history
  • NGC Census for population data
  • CAC verification status checker
  • Online auction archives

Authentication and Certification

In the modern quarter market, proper authentication and certification are crucial for realizing maximum value. Understanding the certification process and knowing what to look for can help avoid costly mistakes.

  • Primary Certification Services

    PCGS and NGC remain the industry standards, with PCGS-certified modern quarters typically commanding a 10-15% premium in the current market.

  • Additional Value Endorsements

    CAC approval on modern quarters, while less common than on vintage issues, can add significant value – particularly for pieces graded MS67 and above.

  • First Strike / Early Release Designations

    These designations have shown particular strength in the W-mint quarter market, with premiums ranging from 20% to over 100% for key dates.

  • When submitting modern quarters for certification, the “First Strike” or “Early Release” designation window is typically just 30 days from the release date. Mark your calendar for new releases to maximize potential value.

    Helpful Resources

    Explore these valuable resources to enhance your coin collecting knowledge